Saturday, October 13, 2012

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surface not to adopt their views, after secretly modified to implement the act, sweet to see clearly, they do not care. After all, Sheng Wu emperor to his proposal, it is a very easy thing, is not him is how to modify the.
The pros and cons on the front too long, in fact, do not Sheng Wu emperor to say little to bring a little, everyone will understand. After all, here are a wise man, speaking without strenuous or beat around the bush. Just Sheng Wu emperor, then an export, expressed to seek advice. Lin Daoguang first opening and said: supply of supplies will not last. Although we are a large number of transport aircraft, but the battlefield, there are so many, you say to who do not give it? this fighting a war without ammunition, the guns may be necessary to blind fire, the tanks will lying on the nest, that we are only waiting for someone else to play copies of the ,5x nfl jerseys...
Sheng Wu Emperor Lin Daoguang analysis clearly and logically, but did not see him come up with a truly effective way to listen to, so Sheng Wu emperor they thought in their hearts: you said those words, I would have
?Thought either no solution, then, I ask you a few to do it? to see the emperor Sheng Wu spoke and said: which time,2010 nike air max, think about how to remedy late ... Hear Sheng Wu emperor say this, Lin Daoguang actually very sure look with a smile: nodded his head ... Sheng Wu emperor saw Lin Daoguang confident look, I know that he is already a good way, this thinking about the first problem thrown to wait until asked for, and then come to say

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