Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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g, eyes Shining looked Li Ling Yu, even in large apricot-sleeved shirt in wrapped, without plastering or decoration, but are still quite beautiful figure and graceful, he smiled and said: Li Ling Yu eyes at first glance touched the naked eyes of the Green River Song, the show face suddenly crimson waves,sneakers for cheap, and his face seems angry at the non-anger, bow and softly said: just want to own but remaining years, not to mention much larger than you. Song Qing River in the heart coldly: the glamorous light of the soul, as if the rainbow after the rain like a magnificent, his hands suddenly forced to Li Ling Yu arms, mouth, heavy pressure on her bloodless lips.
Li Ling Yu did not resist even feel like being trapped in fantasy, everything is illusory rather than real, the body soft, the teenager in front of even more than she beautiful, even skin soft and smooth, her delicate body as a woman to her to reduce her inner resistance.
Song Qing River exude a singular charm irresistible, Li Ling Yu and closed his eyes,jersey, smile face Yuen Yan Xiangshe in the unconscious it into his mouth, the tongue of the two tied together, like lovers in love, her body is still very tight, smooth skin as creamy white jade delicate, above even a mole son.
Song Green River smiling sitting in the chair Jagged Fort the inaction temple high above, and fiery eyes have long recovery
?Quiet, he likes the feeling of such lofty, like to see Jagged Alliance Bangzhong eyes of respectful eyes, large, cold hall, Spike knives Night anger respectful standing

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